Some of you are visiting Nana and Pa's place because you received an invitation to be an author on this blog. I hope you all will take me up on the offer. If you are interested, follow the link in the e-mail you received and create a blogger profile. I am looking for all kinds of content, including pictures, stories, family recipes, news and of course the main reason I began this was to collaborate on the Nana and Pa family history and genealogy. If you have photos you want to share you can point me to where they are on the web or I can upload them to my flickr site. Just send them to me in a folder attached to your e-mail. Finally, there are many people who should be participating in this whose e-mails I don't have. Please send any e-mails you have of family and friends, so I can let them know about the site.
You can post directly to the blog, it is really easy. In the label section but one of the categories listed on the tabs at top and your post will automatically appear under one of those tabs. Most importantly have fun. When you visit this or one of my other blogs such as House Hubbie's Home Cooking, be sure to click on at least one of the ad links each time you visit, as I am hoping to use these fun project as a way of generating some extra cash!
Have fun!
This is a website for people who are connected to the Noding clan either by birth, marriage or friendship. Most of us are of Norwegian decent and can trace our relationships back to the little church in Tory Corner that one of our grandparents or great-grandparents founded. Some of married into this crazy clan and others of us have been adopted by the family and become part of this wonderful, hospitable group of people.
The person writing this is Bill. I am married into the clan and have had a growing interest over the years in genealogy. I started by researching my own genealogy and then began to research my wife's. Last year I brought the research that I had done to the annual Cape Cod gathering of the clan and there was quite a bit of interest in sharing what I and others had done and compiling all in one place.
Then earlier this year we had a milestone birthday party for one of the surviving Noding sisters and we used the web to compile some wondeful picture.
Finally, I have taken an interest in blogging and created a food blog. I have found that when I post of my wife’s Norwegian recipes I get all kinds of hits.
All things came together to give me a vision for this blog. I hope it will be a place where those who are interested can share genealogical information, where we can share pictures and news of family and friends, mermories, invites, recipes and other fun stuff.
I am going to need your help. If you are a member or friend of the family I would be happy to add you as an author to this blog. Just comment on this blog and I will get in touch with you and let you know how you can collaborate.
Have Fun!